Dedicated to Leadership Development Authentically and Resiliently.
"emPOWER You operates on the core values of Authenticity and Resilience."
emPOWER You Consulting, LLC was founded to increase personal and organizational effectiveness through professional, results-based leadership coaching and consulting while focusing on authenticity and resilience.
We are committed to providing leadership development and facilitation of customized training programs to address the specific needs of working moms, women, emerging leaders, and BIPOC professionals who want to grow personally and professionally.
We help organizations build pipelines of talented leaders by consulting and strategically creating action plans and engaging, relevant leadership programs ready for launch.

”An authentic, resilient, happy, focused leader equals an authentic, resilient, happy, focused team”

For all women to realize their true leadership potential, be empowered to lead with authenticity and resilience, and support the greatness in others.
To support and increase the number of women leaders by expanding their skills for flourishing careers to lead equitable organizations who value authenticity, resilience, and inclusivity.
Shar C. Smith, M.Ed. | Founder & CEO | Senior Director of Leadership Development
Shar is on a mission to accelerate the growth and advancement of working moms and professional women into leadership by providing leadership coaching and training for inclusive professional environments.
“I can be changed by what happens to me.
But I refuse to be reduced by it.” – Maya Angelou
Her Story
Shar is an overcomer at heart and a passionate believer that leadership development is a life-long journey. As a leader with over 15 years of experience - in Fortune 500 companies, businesses, organizations, and family - Shar enables leaders and organizations by coaching their high potential, emerging, and new women and BIPOC leaders to transform the way they develop as empowered, confident leaders. Shar has a goal for working moms and professional women to lead and have flourishing careers while creating a life that honors their values and provides fulfillment.
As a first-generation college graduate, first-generation woman entrepreneur, and first-generation corporate professional, Shar has experienced many challenges including lack of coaching, lack of leadership opportunities, and racial discrimination to name a few. Despite the adversity Shar faced, her authenticity and resilience led her to receive multiple promotions and be empowered in leadership roles. She utilizes her knowledge, skills, and experiences to educate and give first-hand insight into the importance of coaching, leadership development, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and mentorship.
Shar is determined to increase the number of women, especially working moms, in leadership. She wants them to benefit from resources that she did not have in her educational and career journey.
Shar is a wife and mother of two young children, and they reside in St. Louis, Missouri.

Shar is a life-long learner, always seeking to improve her knowledge and skills to pour into her clients.
Shar loves to serve her community. Much of her philanthropy revolves around giving back to underserved populations through career readiness training, mentoring, and fundraising. She serves on the board of directors for two non-profit organizations.
In 2021, Shar was honored with a Side Hustle Honors Award by YKNOT Consulting, LLC. In 2020, Shar was honored with Wells Fargo’s Truly Outstanding Performer Award. In 2019, Shar was honored with the St. Louis American Foundation’s Salute to Young Leaders Award, Wells Fargo’s Excellence First Award, and DELUX Magazine’s Power 100 Award.